Plan miasta Ranza

Ranza - Najnowsze wiadomości:

A Doosy Of a Day, Even For Honduras

Normally this would not be my job but Nelson the accountant is on vacation so there I was. Just as we were finishing up, I get a call from Don Tino, my head driver. He is on his way back from La Esperanza, having left the night before ...
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86 Questions .....

What do you consider a vacation ? When I get outta work & Singapore . 34. Do you follow your horoscope ? At times . 35. Would you move for the person you loved ? Depends who , and depends to where . 36. Are you touchy feely ? ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Sakura-hime of My Youth

Alto-hime felt much less influence from Mikhail, Yasaburo, and bRanzo/b given how he was liable to be rude, talk back, and generally turn his back on all three of them from time to time. b..../b she gave Alto-hime one of her earrings in the hopes that he would be able to come back alive, going so far as to make no secret of her intentions towards Alto-hime at school, joining Miboshi's pilot course, taking the first kiss, and getting Alto-hime a paid bvacation/b to Galia 4. ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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